Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fire Station
Enjoy the slide show.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Are you sick of my tulips yet?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Look what my flower did today. There are a bunch more that have opened too but this is the big one and the same one from yesterday.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day
I planted tulips last fall and when I got home today I saw the first one has a huge red flower. I was so happy. Its so fun to have things that you plant grow.
I had a super long day. I went to the park with the RMMs (Rocky Mountain Mammas, the moms group I am part of) first thing this morning. I had to leave early cause I had to take Grandma Madsen to the eye doctor. Levi and I waited in the waiting room for 2 and a half hours while she was with the eye doctor. I use to work for and eye doctor. I never knew an exam to take 2 hours. Wow it was a long time to keep a 2 year old happy in a waiting room. I desever grand daughter of the year.
She did take us out to dinner. Jeremy got to come to dinner too so that was very nice.
This pregnancy has been so differnt from the last one. They say that every one will be differnt. Before I got prego with Levi I use to get migranes about once a month or so. Than when I got pregnant with Levi they stopped and I did not have one. My mom would tell you it was cause I was way way to skinning before getting pregnant. Anyways now with this one I get a splitting head ache about 5 days a week. The are not quite migranes but right now my head seems like its going to pop off.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
As promised.......
Jeremy and I started to remove the grass for our garden spot. Its more work than you think to remove grass
Monday, April 20, 2009
I hear the heart beat
I did have to go to Walgreens and get an Rx filled and I waited almost an hour for them to grab a box of ointment off the shelf and put a sticker on it. I was so upset cause the pharmacist spent most of the time talking to his wife that was there and filling her Rx. I came home in tears cause I was so upset that they made me wait to long just cause he was helping his wife. Jer was home when I got home and he was mad when I told him what happened and when he saw how upset I was. I am not the kind of person to cause conflict but Jer wanting to be the man, you know how men are they want to fix everything, calls the Walgreens and talks to the manager and he gets them to apologize and they gave a $10.00 gift card.
The weather is beginning to get really warm. We get to have the windows open and the fresh air is coming in. I might just survive after all.
I have buried my camera so still no pictures but I will try and get to it tomorrow.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Bye Grandma
After church today we went over to Dennis and Sherrys. Dennis just had surgey last week so we went over there to say hi and make sure hes recoving. I just have to say that 1 o'clock church is so hard. That is right at Levis nap time and by the time we get home at 4 its to late to give him a nap cause he will never go to sleep at night. So hes sitting in the chair with Jer right now and hes been in the worst mood since we got home from church. We had to leave Dennis's early cause he was just a pill. Hes going to bed in the next 10 mintues.
I have my second doctor appointment tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
I have picutres of this weekend and the bed, I will upload them latter.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Today is my birthday. I am now 27. I had a good day. It started out with the tree removal guys coming and removing 3 trees from the front of the yard. Levi got a kick out of watching them. This morning I told Levi that it was my birthday and told him to say happy birthday. He said "Happy Birthday Mommy. Happy Day. Cake?". It was so funny. I had no idea where the cake part came from. Than Levi and I went shopping at the DI. I got Levi a bunch of little people toys.
Than I came home and started dinner. I made one of my all time favorites Scallop Potatoes, and we had Strawberry Short Cake for desert. Strawberry Short Cake is my all time favorite. Jeremy and I had it at our wedding.
I got new "pink" jammies. An eclectic griddle. A new shirt. And a pop corn air popper. All from Jeremy and Levi.
Over all it was a great day. I had mixed feeling yesterday when I relized that I was going to have to make my own birthday dinner but today when I was making it I thought it was cool cause I could make it just how I like. We are going to go out to dinner on Friday night. Than next weekend my mom is coming to town and Jeremy and I are going to have a date night. I am really looking forward to that.
If you look close you can see the guy at the top of the tree
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I finally got out in the sun today. It was so nice. We worked on the yard. Jeremy mowed the lawn and its so green and it looks a hundred times better than when we bought the house. We spent a lot of time working on it last year before the snow started and it seems to have payed off. The backyard grass still needs some love but we will get there. We also have these trees that are really messy and all over the place so we started to cut down the small ones. In the next few weeks we are going to get some privacy slats for the fence so we can have some privacy in the backyard. Our street is really busy and I hate the fact that all the cars can see right into our backyard as they drive past. So before summer I want to have some privacy.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Jeremy also told me that Levi loves pink. I already new this but I was not going to tell Jer cause he would freak out. Levi is learning his colors and he knows pink and orange really well and so I think thats where the obsession with pink is coming from. Jeremy said that Levi would not leave the store without the pink present.
Jeremy asked me if I wanted my presents tonight and I said that I wanted to wait till my birthday cause if I open them now I wont have anything to open on my birthday. But Jeremy is really impatient and wants me to have them now. So we will see when I get them.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Where is the sun??
I have had a relaspe with the morning sickness.
The weather is really starting to drive me crazy. Its been snowing and cloudy for what feels like forever. I need sun. I am melting away. I hope that it gets warmer soon.
The last three days I have been potty training Levi. Its gone really well. We have only had one accident in the three days. But I cant get him to poop on the potty. Hes not pooped in two days. The first day he pooped first thing in his diaper and than we have started the training. So I don't know what to do. I have not left the house in three days cause we have been working on this training. Hes doing really well but I am scared to leave the house cause I don't want him to have an accident. He can take a nap with out any accidents but I do put a diaper on him at night. I am thinking that maybe I should get a book and do some research on the whole potty training thing. I think that its going pretty well but only time will tell.