Friday, March 6, 2009

Cold Cold Cold Cold

We got a new fernace on Wednesday night. At some point that night the furnace stopped working and we froze to death. So we called the company and threw a fit. We just spent a boat load of money on a brand new furnace and its did not even work. So the guys came back and thought they had fixed it, but as soon as they left it started blowing cold air again. So we call them back and they send a special out to come see what the problem is. He says there is something wrong with one of the saftey switches in the furnace. So he jimmy rigs the furance by bypassing the saftey swich and says that it will work and he will be back in the morning to replace the switch. But he tells us that we should not run the heater while we are sleeping cause there no saftey on it so if a fire starts while we are sleeping than that would be really bad. So we borrow some space heater from my in laws and we get ready for another cold night.
This morning the guy comes again and replaces the swich and says that it should works but he will be back Monday to make the final adjustment. He also tells me not to leave the furnace on when I leave the house.
So I was gone most of today grocey shopping with Gandma Joyce and Jeremy got home before me and turned the heater on. It ran for about 2 or so hours and now its doing the same thing as before.
I am so irrated right now. A brand new furnace should be working. It seems like nothing can go right. Here it is at 5 on a Friday night and we have no heat and its been snowing. If they are not able to get it working than we are going to go spend the night at my in laws cause I am not spending another night cold.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Hmmmm, all I can say is that they'd better be happy they didn't sell it to me cuz I'd probably have 2x4's shoved up someones backside by now! And if by some horrible chance it doesn't work again, you are welcome to borrow our portable heater... it puts off some nice heat but it's super safe.

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