Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well Levi got sick with the flu Thursday morning and he would not stop throwing up. He threw up about 12 times in 2 and a half hours so I took him to the instacare and they gave him some anti nausea medicine which stopped the vomiting but for the rest of the day and the next he was not himself and just trying to recover. He seems to be feeling better today.
We got are garden started by getting the rototiller from Jeremy's dad and the seeds that we are going to plant. Next step is to fix the rototiller so its will work and than till the spot that we are going to plant. Jeremy is so excited about planting a garden. I am sure than I am going to be the one doing all the upkeep but thats ok cause I like work in the dirt. I just hope that we can get stuff to grow.
We also fixed our toilet. Its been broken for about a week now where it wont stop running unless you manually push the flap thing down. So we were going to call our home warranty and have them come out an fix it, but they charge $45.00 to do thar and I was sure that it was just a simple thing than needed to be fixed. So we went to Lowes and got a complet toliet kit with all the parts for less than $20. Jeremy was real worried cause he knows nothing about plumbing but together we replaced all the insides to the toilet and it seems to be working great now (crossing my fingers). Aterwards we both agreed that it was a lot eaier than we thought it was going to be. I am so glad that its fixed.

P.S. All of our fish have died please dont ask its a really sore subject.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

So sorry to hear about Levi. Hope he is feeling better now. The flu is no fun at all! Sorry to hear about the fishies... just remember, all drains leads to the ocean! ;)

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