Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow Day

Jeremy and Levi using the snow blower

Shoveling what the snow blower could not get

Shoveling the walk way

Levi playing in the snow

It was so cold his cheeks got bright red and his nose started to bleed very slightly

We finally got some snow. I am one of those weird people that like the snow. It was a big storm so I was glad that we did not have to go anywhere and could just stay home and watch the beautiful snow fall. I sat in my chair and watched all cars try to get traction on the road as the turn the corner. It was fun to watch everyone peel out trying to get on the main road.
We got to use the new snow blower. It worked ok. Only one side of it spins so we need to get it fixed but it still took only about 30 minutes to plow the drive way and the large amount of sidewalk that we are responialble for.
Even Sammy played in the snow till he was shaking to death and I thought he was going to get hypothermia.

Yesterday I went with my girlfriend and got my hair cut and colored. I had a lot of fun at the salon getting all dolled up. It had been over a year since the last time I had my hair cut or colored. The hair dresser gave me the most amazing scalp massage when she was washing my hair. It was so wonderful I though I was in heaven.
I though I was getting step throat but I don't think its strep any more because I am starting to feel better on my own.
I cant wait to get my camera back. After using the new camera for 6 months and than trying to go back to the old camera I get frustrated cause it wont take nice pictures. It might have something to do with the fact that the old camera was Levis toy when we got the new camera. Now when he see me using the old camera he freaks out and wants to play with it cause it was his for so long. So long story short I really hope to have my camera back asap and before we go to California.

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