Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sick Computer.

My computer has a virus and its really irritating me. It was only on my user so I deleted my user but it turned out that it was not only my user. Jeremy buddy at work is going to try and fix it on Monday. It works some of the time and other times not. On top of that my new camera is broken also. I am so sad about the camera. We are going to have breakfast with Santa on Saturday and I really wanted to take some pictures. I am going to take it back to Costco and see if they can help me.
On a different note, the soy milk seems to really be helping Levi. I am hoping that we solved the problem. He has also slept the last two nights in a row the whole night through. I am super happy about that. I think hes getting his two year molars and for the last 3 or 4 weeks he has not slept through the night. So we will see.
He has learned how to say I love you and Merry Christmas. He is still copying everything Jeremy and I do and say. Its cute. He also talks to himself. He will aks himself whats wrong by saying "whats the matter baby?" its cute.

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