Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving. We had a great day. I am still getting use to the Madsen Thanksgiving but we had a good day and some great food. Last year we all had the stomach flu really really bad so I was really happy that I got to enjoy the feast this year. Levi did not get a nap today so he was way over tired by the time we got home but other than that he did really really well.
I am so thankful for my family. I am thankful for our new house. I am thankful for my friends. There are so many things that I am thankful for and I know that I am blessed.
Here are some pictures of today.

Levi helped me make pumpkin pies

Here are the pies we made

This is Grandma Sherry, Grandma Joyce and a family friend Jen

This was the table setting. This is the part that I am not use to. We were always so casual in my family so its hard to get use to such a formal dinner but its nice in its own way. I do miss the dinner in my PJs and non matching dinnerware.

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