Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This morning I went to clean my bedroom window and I saw that the window has a BB hole through it. I called Jeremy and he came home from work to see it. He called the police to make a report. He than went back to work. I swear if its not one thing its another. We just got the car fixed and now we have to fix the window. It makes me mad. So I decided to burn off some of my energy and I spent all afternoon raking leaves. I have blisters on both of my hands but it felt so good and the lawn looks great. I wonder why I wanted a big lot. Its a lot more work. I was going to rake them all in a big pile so Levi could play in them but I ran out of time before the sun went down to get them all raked. I will try and finish tomorrow.
I was playing around with my camara and Lilly is very photogenic.

This is the bullet hole

Levi was helping


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