Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today I took Grandma Madsen shopping. I had a small headache before we went and by the time we got home I had a full blown migraine. I use to get migraines all the time but have not had one in a long time. I think the last time I had a real migraine was before I had Levi. This was a real migraine and I thought my head was going to pop off. I took a vicodin and sat with some ice on the neck and tried not to trow up. Jeremy made top ramen for dinner because I was not able to move. After about an hour of me almost crying from the pain the vicodin kicked in and I felt much better. I was able to function. Now I am just a little bit high from the meds and I cant sleep. I know that I am going to have bad dreams because that's what the pills do to me. I hope I don't have one of those again for a long long time.

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