Friday, September 19, 2008

Back online

Today we got the internet, cable and a home phone. I am happy because now I can be online anywhere in the house, and since I went over my cell phone minutes last month I can use the house phone to cut back on my cell phone use.
Jeremy and I were asked to talk in church on Sunday and I am so scared. I am trying to prepare my talk but is not working right. I do a search and than I try and open a link and it cant find the link. Its making me very very nervous. How am I going to write a talk with out the internet? I guess I will have to do it old school style. I have to talk for 15 mintues. Thats a long time to be up in front of everyone. Wow I am scared. I hope that the site is working tomorrow. I got some what I want to say but I need about 10 more pages. I know what I would like to talk about I just need the stories and stuff to go with it and thats what I need the internet to do. I am going to try and not stress but I cant sleep right now.

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