Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today was another busy day but it did make the day go by quick. I had an Enrichment Activity that I went to tonight. I had a great time. We sewed sanitary pads for women in Africa out of cloth diapers. I actually used a sewing machine. I was pretty proud of myself. All together we sewed over 200 of them. These women don't have anything to use during that time of the month and they don't have a garbage to throw things out in so these cloth diapers that we turned into pads will be able to be reused and help them thru that time. It felt good to be doing a service and I got to chat with some women that I have never really talked to before so that was fun. I like getting to know different people in the ward.
Today is also my dads birthday. He is 60 years old today. Happy Birthday Dad. I love you and you are the best dad ever. I miss my parents and I hope to be going out there for his party in a few weeks. One of my favorite memories of my dad is the times we went horseback riding together. When I would get out of school my dad would take me on his motor cycle and we would ride the 20 minutes up the mountain to his friends house and we would saddle our horses and ride into the mountains. It was so much fun to be out in nature and on the back of the horse. My dad would always push the limits and we ended up in some interesting predicaments that were quite scary but now they make for some of the best stories. I love to hear my dad tell the story of the time my horse went rolling down the side of the mountain. I will never forget the times my dad and I shared while horseback riding and I thank my dad for giving me those wonderful memories and taking time out of his life to make sure we could do that.

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