Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today was a good day. Levi is still not feeling well but he got to feeling better as the day went on. We helped Sherry with putting shelves up in her closet all morning. Jeremy worked really hard on the shelves and they turned out really nice. Levi helped by holding different tools and climbing up the first step of the latter.
We than had a BBQ with some family. Jeremy got a camp chef stove for Fathers Day from me and Levi. I gave it to him a day earlier so we made shish kabobs on it tonight with the family. Jeremy loves the new stove.
Here are some pictures from tonight. Levi got a bubble hippo today and he loved it because when he pulls the trigger a whole bunch of bubble come out of its mouth.
I hope he feels a lot better tomorrow. We are suppose to have another BBQ tomorrow for fathers day. I really hope that Levi did not over do it today and is sicker tomorrow.

Grandma is trying to figure out the bubble hippo

Daddy and Levi cooking

Grandpa playing with Levi

Levi eating

M mmmm Jello
All the kids and Jer

Jer cooking
Levi playing with the cousins

Figuring out the stove

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