Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some Place I would like to Visit

I would love to go to Hawaii. I have never been there and I would love to go there and see all the sights and swim in the ocean. I would like to take a helicopter ride and see the earth being formed. I would like to swim with the turtles and fish. I would like to lay on the beach and fall asleep to the waves.
It's the middle of winter here in Utah so I think that has something to do with me longing to be at the beach and warm.
The sad part is my sister lives in Hawaii and I still can't seem to get out there. Someday I will go there and it will be amazing.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Sigh. I REALLY want to go to Hawaii too! And not just a cruise, but an actual trip to Hawaii... staying on the different islands, taking tours up to the volcanoes, into tropical forest with waterfalls and flowers :) And I especially want to get a camera where I could take pictures like that under water!

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