Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

We went to Meadow, UT for Labor day. We had a great time. Levi loves to play, play, play down there.
Jeremy and I got to take a very fun quad ride around the town and up the hills while the parents watched the two children. It was a fun way to see the town. The town only has about 25o people and all the roads are ATV approved. I did forget the camera on our ride so maybe next time you will get to see it.
Levi happy as can be to be at the "one flag house" He calls the house in Meadow "the one flag house"

Grandma Wonderful was there all weekend with us and she had fun with the babies

Kyle crawling in the grass


Jeremy and I cuddling in the hammock

Levi and Kyle in the hammock chair

View of the desert on the way down there

We had a wonderful night out by the fire watching the shooting stars

Levi and Grandpa on a quad ride

Daddy and Kyle in the hammock

Jeremy and Dennis working on the pumpkins, more on that later

Kyle sleeping

The house across the street had a couple kittens and one of them came across the street everyday and played with Levi. Levi carried this cat around every where all weekend. He put it in a live squirrel trap at one point and another time he dropped it in the baby pool and the cat just kept coming and coming back for more. And never put up a fight. Levi got really really mad when we would not let him bring the cat in to sleep with him.

Playing on the swing


Derico Photography said...

LOL, Oh, come on mom, it's just a cute fluffy kitty ;)

Love the sleeping stink bug picture :)

Derico Photography said...

LOL, Oh, come on mom, it's just a cute fluffy kitty ;)

Love the sleeping stink bug picture :)

Anonymous said...

oh my, I can't believe how big they both our getting and is Kyle walking, did I miss that. Oh man I got to come out there and see my little nephews.

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