Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Kyle is now walking. He will take about 5 to 10 steps before falling or sitting down. Hes so proud of himself. There will be a video of his new skills in the next couple of days.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bass time

Levi cant say bath so he calls it bass time. Kyle and Levi love to play in the bath together and I think bath time pictures are so cute.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We got Levi his first bike the other day. He was sooo happy. All he wants to do is ride that bike. The first day he took a big spill and landed on his face but that has not slowed him down. He looks so big when he rides that bike. I cant believe how fast he is growing.

Monday, September 13, 2010


This past weekend we went camping at Jordanelle. We went with some friends in the ward and had a great time. Jeremy did some fishing and we hiked and did all the other camping things. The first night was FREEZING. The temp dropped down to 33 and we were all a little cold. The boys stayed warm cause Levi slept with Jer and Kyle slept with me and they managed to stay warm. The next night was not nearly as cold and we had more fuel for the tent heater so we were able to run it longer. Its sad that the camping season is almost over. I am not sure we are going to get to go camping again till Spring but we had a great time.

Packing the car

Setting the crawdad trap

Enjoying the fire

The start of the hike

The family we went with

View of the lake

We trail blazed most of the hike making are own path straight up this rock hill filled with sticker bushes. We were trying to get to this water tower that we could see from camp but with the kids it was a little to hard but Levi was a real mountain goat and climbed as far as we could go.

Making are way back down

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Levi started preschool yesterday. He was every excited. He kept calling it work and he wanted me to drop him off in the parking lot, I thought that was not suppose to happen till later when they are embarrassed and don't want me to walk to class with them. Oh well he had a good time.

P.S. I have been getting some very very strange comments from and anoyomist so I have set a couple measures in place when you leave a comment.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

We went to Meadow, UT for Labor day. We had a great time. Levi loves to play, play, play down there.
Jeremy and I got to take a very fun quad ride around the town and up the hills while the parents watched the two children. It was a fun way to see the town. The town only has about 25o people and all the roads are ATV approved. I did forget the camera on our ride so maybe next time you will get to see it.
Levi happy as can be to be at the "one flag house" He calls the house in Meadow "the one flag house"

Grandma Wonderful was there all weekend with us and she had fun with the babies

Kyle crawling in the grass


Jeremy and I cuddling in the hammock

Levi and Kyle in the hammock chair

View of the desert on the way down there

We had a wonderful night out by the fire watching the shooting stars

Levi and Grandpa on a quad ride

Daddy and Kyle in the hammock

Jeremy and Dennis working on the pumpkins, more on that later

Kyle sleeping

The house across the street had a couple kittens and one of them came across the street everyday and played with Levi. Levi carried this cat around every where all weekend. He put it in a live squirrel trap at one point and another time he dropped it in the baby pool and the cat just kept coming and coming back for more. And never put up a fight. Levi got really really mad when we would not let him bring the cat in to sleep with him.

Playing on the swing

New Camera

With Jeremys bonus Visa card this time around we got a new camera. I am happy. Here are a few of the first pictures I took with it

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