Thursday, July 1, 2010

Last night in CA

Our last night in CA we had a bonfire at the beach and it was the perfect way to end our trip. It was just me and the boys and Amy and Jeff and a friend of ours Emily and her husband. It was a little cold but the boys got the fire started and than we roasted marshmallows and warmed right up.
We sure had fun and Levi still talks about CA. I did not get pictures of all the stuff that we did as it seemed each and every day was filled with something to do and we made the most of our trip.
I look forward to doing it again.

You will all be happy to know that this is the last of the vacation posts :)


Derico Photography said...

LOL, well, I'm glad you guys had such a fun time!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sad it's the last of the vacation post we miss you guys.

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