Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Last weekend Jeremy had his first riding lesson with his dad. He put over 40 miles on the bike and had a blast. Levi really wanted to ride it so Jer took him around the house. I can remember when my Daddy would ride his motorcycle home from work and we would hear him coming and my two sisters and I would run screaming out to the front of the house and all three of us would climb on the bike and my dad would ride us around the house. I am glad that Jeremy is having so much fun riding.
Jeremy is borrowing a helmet from his Dad and Levi would not take it off. He thought that thing was so cool. He kept saying he was officer Levi.

Father and son

Hang on tight

Hot Biker Mom

Video of Jeremy and Levi


Derico Photography said...

Hahaha! You guys should totally do a family picture with the bike!

Anonymous said...

Levi reminds me of an alien with the helmet on. Love you guys.

Jeff said...

officer Levi! Thats awesome.

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