Monday, April 5, 2010

Levis Tubes

Levi got tubes in his ears today. We woke up at 5 am and got to the hospital at 6 am. Levi did so great. He got to play Lego Batman on the X box while we waited. The nurses and doctors came and explained everything to us. Than the nurse and the anesthesiologist came and got him and he was so good. He was racing the anesthesiologist to the OR room.
The surgery went really well. Levi did come out of the anesthesia with a very upset tummy. They gave him a root beer slushy that he threw up three times in PostOp and once on the way home. He kept changing colors so we were calling him a chameleon. He would go from red to pale pale white than throw up and than start to get his color back than turn white again.
We got home and he got some apple juice to stay down so than he had some Ramon noddles. Than he took a 4 hour and has now woken up feeling good. Hes a little grumpy but hes not in any pain.

Practicing breathing in the mask

Playing Batman

Grandma Sherry came to visit

Dr. Smith, the doc that did the surgery

The nurses

Going off the the OR


Still recovering

Big loves for my big trooper

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Awwwww, poor little guy! Glad he is doing a little better.

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