Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Bye Lilly

We said good bye to Lilly today. She had brought in two dead birds and a mouse all this week and if you follow my blog you know that I am so scared of dead animals, it really is more of a phobia and Jeremy told me on Wednesday that he was not coming home from work anymore to remove the dead animals. We got her a bell a while ago and it slowed her down for a while. With the warmer weather the animals are more frequent. Jeremy has today off (he doesn't work Fridays) and when we got home there was a dead mouse and I said what would I have done if you were not home. So I placed an add on KSL and some very nice Russian lady came and got her. I am so sad to see her go. I really liked her. Jeremy never really wanted a cat. We had her for about a year and half, she had kittens and she was a good cat. I cried and will probably be sad about it and miss her for a while. The lady has another cat and if they don't get along than she will be bringing Lilly back. As much as I will miss her I am will sleep better not fearing every morning that there will be a present waiting for me in the kitchen.


Derico Photography said...

Aww, she was a good kitty, and we LOVE Aleena! Too bad she couldn't be an inside kitty but then you'd have to ditch the doggie door and let sammy out every time he wanted out... not much fun either.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss.

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