Monday, January 18, 2010

RSV day 3

Last night Kyle got worse. This morning at 4am he had a fever. I was told to take him to Primary Childrens if his fever got above 100.4 and when I took his temp it was 100.5. So I took him up to the hospital while Jeremy stayed with a sleeping Levi.
We get to the ER and they check his vitals and everything is normal. Because he is under 90 days old (by 7 days) they are more concerned about his temperature than they would be if he was older. So then they have to do all these test. They put a catheter in to get a urine sample, they put a suction tube down his throat to get a mucus sample, they put an IV in to get a blood sample. It was beyond hard to watch all this happening. I was of course crying. Kyle has lost his voice so in this high pitch squeaking voice hes crying owe, by the time they put the IV in hes pretty much given up which was even harder to see. I am tearing up just remembering it all
Long story short, all the labs and vitals were normal, they send us home which instruction to see our Ped latter in the day.
Hes feeling much better and I think thats mostly due to the fact they suctioned a huge about of snot out of his nose.
I felt so guilty for putting him thru all those tests when there was nothing wrong, but I am sure I would feel 300 times worse if something was wrong and I did nothing.
Hes still got a bad cough and a stuffy nose but I think hes just as glad as I am to be home.


Derico Photography said...

Ugh. I remember taking Madison into the ER the same week we brought her home from the hospital after she was born. Someone on the hospital staff was obviously sick, because she had a cough that started in the hospital. I was actually quite surprised they weren't concerned about it when we were still in the hospital. Anyway, I remember how horrible it was sitting on the bed with that tiny little baby while they drew blood and poked and poked to try to get an IV in my poor baby! I hope he gets over the worst of this soon! You all deserve a nice, quiet break.

La Dayna said...

OMG! I'm so sorry- how horrible to have to watch all of that

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo sorry for you and little Kyle.

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