Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today I showered and got dressed and got both boys dressed and we were out of the house but 10:20am. We had lunch at Chick-fil-A with a friend of mine. Chick has Levis favorite play land and free ice cream with the kids meal so it makes it one of my favorite places to go. It was so nice to be out of the house. Than we stopped at Target to get some breast milk storage containers and on the way out Levi wanted a little toy that they put at the check stand just to drive us moms all a little more crazy so I said pick one and he said no three and grabed three I said no one. Than the battle started. I had to pry them all out of his hand and than after telling him to pick one or he wasnt getting any and he still didnt pick one I had to pick him up under my arm like a sack of potatoes and drag him kicking and screaming out of Target with no toy. Welcome to motherhood of two!! Some lady looked at us and said "I have been there before a million times" as Levi is on the ground next to the van in the parking lot screaming. I guess this is why I waited to long to take both boys out by myself. Levi has been cooped up in the house with us a little to long and has forgotten how to act in public.
My mom comes in tomorrow morning and I cant wait. It will be nice to have some help.

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