I had another trip to L&D today. My contractions would not stop and they were coming every 4 to 6 minutes. So I went in and got checked out and another shot of Tribulene. I will be 34 weeks tomorrow and at that point they wont stop the contractions any more. So I just have to keep this baby inside for another 3 weeks at least and no more trips to L&D unless my water breaks or the contractions get really bad. I feel so much better after the shot they gave me. I relize now that all the discomfort that I have had for the last two days was my contractions and such because now that they have stopped them I feel so much more comfortable.
1 comment:
You can go into labor yet you got to wait for like another month so I can see a new born baby not like a 2 month old little guy. But let me know what happens either way.
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