My parents came into town on Saturday. They rode the motorcycle out here. Than Sunday morning my dad left on his way to Sturigs, South Dakota for the big motorcycle rally they have every year and my mom stayed with us. She left tonight. While she was here we painted Levis new room and got it cleaned out. I am so happy that it got done. Now we just have to get a dresser and put up the chair rail and hang some blinds and it will be ready for Levi. I am so lucky my mom was able to come out and do the painting for me. I was getting a little stressed about not having anything ready and done for the new baby that will be here in less than 3 months. We also washed all the baby clothes and got them ready for the new one.
While she was here my van broke again. I have the WORST luck with cars. We were driving to go swimming (Jer was driving) and all of a sudden the power stearing went out. Than we noticed the AC was not working and than the battery light came on. We got to the pool went swimming and had a great time. Than on the way home the car was still doing all of those things and it was over heating really bad. So we nursed it home and found out that we had slipped a belt. It was the Serpintine belt. So $400 later we got a new water pump and two new pully to make the thing work again. I am so tired of car trouble I cant stand it.
1 comment:
YAY for sweet parents and being ready. Its such an enormous weight lifted when you just get everything how you want it. Can't wait to see it!
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