Saturday, July 11, 2009


If one more person asks me if I am having twins I think I will scream at them. I have only gained 6 lbs. I know I feel huge but why every time I go some where does someone have to make the comment that I am "so big" or ask if I am sure I am not having twins. Its getting really old. I still have 3 1/2 months to go which is not that long but when I tell people Halloween I think they think it is longer away than it is.

So yes I am sure I am not having twins and I know that I am huge but everyone can just keep their comments to themselves.

On a happier note we went to a friends birthday BBQ tonight and had a really good time. Levi played in the hot tub with all the other kids the whole time. I am so use to people telling me how huge I am that I did not let it ruin my evening. And I got a double scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream on the way home just to add to my hugeness.


auntieM said...

the bigger you are the healthier the baby. But whatever people can shove it.

Derico Photography said...

Hahaha, Alice, you freakin crack me up. You so deserved a triple scoop! Everybody carries babies differently. You saw me, I just looked fat most of the time but not pregnant. I wish I had had the cute defining baby belly instead of just looking like a bad recreation of the Blob. The maternity picture I have up on the side of my blog We took the month before I had Madison, and even half of those pictures you couldn't tell I was pregnant.

So, okay, that was meant to make you feel better. Anyway, people are just dumb. At least you know you have a healthy baby growing in there and you're not starving yourself and the baby to keep your "figure". You are SUPPOSED to have a belly when you're pregnant, and there's no other way around it. They can just go stick it where the sun don't shine, because you look great!

MisDirectedMama said...

OH honey I love you! BTW are you having twins? j/k! I got the oh your only 29 weeks at the hospital the other day from a nurse so I feel your pain! Oh and this is your second so you are going to look bigger. Plus being the small girls we are it looks a lot bigger then it really is.

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