Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lay Offs

Today Jeremy called me at about 10am and said that his company was laying off 17% of the people. He said that he was not one of them. They told everyone in October than they were not planning on laying off any one and now they laid off a whole bunch of people. So now they are saying that they are not going to lay off any one else but if they lied about it the first time than how I am suppose to believe that they are not going to do a second round of lay offs. Jeremy said that it was real stressful at work. They laid off 10 people just in his department. I am trying not to stress about it. We just need to take one day at a time and be thankful for our blessing.


Derico Photography said...

Yah, there's a lot of things wrong with not just what they did, but how they did it, but it's already been done. I am glad Jeremy wasn't in the bunch that got fired... he's not as unconfrontational as Cory. I told Cory it was a good thing I didn't have a way of getting over there to give them a piece of my mind... or a piece of my fist.

We've both started applying for jobs, so hopefully one of us will find something that will pay enough.

Try not to worry about it (I know that is way easier said than done) because it is just one more stress you don't need right now.

Mrs Mommy said...

They would NEVER get rid of Jeremy...Who would fire the guy who shows up to work an hour early to be completely ready to work at 6 in the morning! Everyone loves him and you know it! HUGS!

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