Friday, January 16, 2009

Hair Removal

Have you seen the comercials for the hair removal system that is suppose to buff the hair off but rubbing this thing around in circles on your skin. I love trying new hair removal ideas. I am always looking for the best way. So I decided to research the buffing way on the internet. The websites made it sound too good to be true. Than I found this blog where this women had tried one and loved and told a story of how she was out of town and forgot to bring the buffing pads with her, so long story short she whent to the hardware store and got 600 grit sandpaper and said that it worked just as well.
So I asked Jeremy what the finest sandpaper he had at work was and he said he could get 1000 from the paint department so I asked him to bring me home 600.
Last night he brought it home and I decided to try it on my arms (I have no idea why I choose my arms). I took a small piecse of the sandpaper and started rubbing it in circles on my arm just like the website had told me to. Jeremy thought I was crazy, he said that when he asked the paint guy for the sandpaper the guy asked him why he needed it and Jeremy told him what I was planing on doing. I am sure they both had a good laugh about it. Anyways here I am rubbing away on my arm and low and behold its working. So I say look Jeremy its working and its exfoliating my skin at the same time. So after I take all the hair off the first arm I have Jeremy feel it and its soooo smoth. Its way smother than shaving ever is. So I cant have just one blad arm so I do the other one. I am pretty stoked that I found a free way to remove hair. Jeremy is amazed that it worked but he wont admit it.
So after I was done my arms sort of tingled. I thought it was becuase I had just sandded my skin. But than as time when on it started to hurt worse and worse. Than I had this red rash all over my arm. I was too proud to tell Jeremy that my arms felt like I had the worse rug burn all over them. I thought maybe I should put some loation on them. Bad idea, that made it really hurt. My forearms were so sore to the touch. They still hurt today when they get touched. But they are really smooth.

On a compley differnt subject, Jeremy is in California for the day. I took him to the airport at 7 this morning and I will pick him up at 1145. Hes going to fix some things at the job site he was at 2 months ago. I am glad that he will only be gone a day but I am really not looking forward to getting the boy up at about 11 in the middle of the night to take him out in the cold.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for trying that stuff I thought the same thing maybe sand paper but now I don't have to so thanks.

Mrs Mommy said...

OMG...You are hilarious!!

La Dayna said...

LOL I was just asking my mom if that would work

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