Sunday, October 26, 2008


It was one very crazy weekend. Friday night I went to Lauras to help set up for the yard sale and I was so overwhelmed with all the stuff that we had to sort thru but I made a dent. Than Saturday morning I woke up early and left Levi with Jer and went to help work the sale. It was a beautiful day for the yard sale and we had a steady stream of people all day. We all worked really hard to make the sale a hit. Than Saturday night we had an adult Halloween party. Dennis and Sherry watched Levi for us and Jer and I both had a great time with our friends. It was fun to let lose after a long weekend.
Than Sunday was Levis birthday. We had a trunk or treat with the moms group. It was a lot of fun. Levi understood that as he went from car to car he would hold out his bag and get candy. It was really fun to see him start to understand the concept of trick or treating. He was on a sugar high all night. I did not get him to sleep till midnight and a lot of screaming later we were all asleep. I am taking today off to recover from the busy weekend. I think part of the problem last night was hes getting a cold and think hes getting an ear infection. We have a doctor appointment on Wednesday for his two year check up so we will see than what the doc says.
I cant believe that Levi is two now. Hes getting so big and its so fun to see him growing up.
We rasied just over $2000.00 for Sarah family this weekend. At the trunk or treat Jim (Sarah's husband) and her kids were there and Carlie read a poem that reminded her of Sarah and than Laura announced to everyone how much we made. All of us moms were crying and Jim got treary eyed. I am so glad that we all together and helped out. We are all talking now about helping with their Christmas.

The Yard Sale

Carlie was one of our top sellers

We had so much crap

See the shower curtain. You never know what you will find at a yard sale

People and stuff every where

Party time

My little Pony

Sharing his candy

Levi found a dog

All the kids

The group of kids

Trick or Treat

Where the candy

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