Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 year Check

I took Levi to his 2 year check up today. Hes as healthy as an ox. She said that everything looks good. Hes 29.2 pounds and is 34 inches tall which puts him right about 50%. Its always a relief to hear that your child is right where he should be and thriving. She also said that I have to get him off the bottle. I knew this so I am glad that she agreed with me. She said the best way is cold turkey and deal with about a week of hell. I am scared. I wanted to start tonight but Jer is more worried about it than I am and he said that we should start tomorrow because Levi had two shots today so hes in pain. Jeremy really hates to hear Levi cry and I think he knows how hard it will be on both Levi and me so he wants to prolong the inevitable. I know what I need to do but knowing and doing are two different things. Wish me luck. Its going to be a ruff week or so.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


It was one very crazy weekend. Friday night I went to Lauras to help set up for the yard sale and I was so overwhelmed with all the stuff that we had to sort thru but I made a dent. Than Saturday morning I woke up early and left Levi with Jer and went to help work the sale. It was a beautiful day for the yard sale and we had a steady stream of people all day. We all worked really hard to make the sale a hit. Than Saturday night we had an adult Halloween party. Dennis and Sherry watched Levi for us and Jer and I both had a great time with our friends. It was fun to let lose after a long weekend.
Than Sunday was Levis birthday. We had a trunk or treat with the moms group. It was a lot of fun. Levi understood that as he went from car to car he would hold out his bag and get candy. It was really fun to see him start to understand the concept of trick or treating. He was on a sugar high all night. I did not get him to sleep till midnight and a lot of screaming later we were all asleep. I am taking today off to recover from the busy weekend. I think part of the problem last night was hes getting a cold and think hes getting an ear infection. We have a doctor appointment on Wednesday for his two year check up so we will see than what the doc says.
I cant believe that Levi is two now. Hes getting so big and its so fun to see him growing up.
We rasied just over $2000.00 for Sarah family this weekend. At the trunk or treat Jim (Sarah's husband) and her kids were there and Carlie read a poem that reminded her of Sarah and than Laura announced to everyone how much we made. All of us moms were crying and Jim got treary eyed. I am so glad that we all together and helped out. We are all talking now about helping with their Christmas.

The Yard Sale

Carlie was one of our top sellers

We had so much crap

See the shower curtain. You never know what you will find at a yard sale

People and stuff every where

Party time

My little Pony

Sharing his candy

Levi found a dog

All the kids

The group of kids

Trick or Treat

Where the candy

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Levi got a package from his Auntie M and Uncle Jeffey today. He was not in a good mood when I put the the sweater on him so this was the best pic I could get. I will get a better one next time he puts it on. He really enjoyed the card. He was reading it and I had to get a video of him. He calls Sponge Bob "Bob Bob". So you can hear him say Bob bob and than he will try and read the inside of it by saying happy. I thought it was so cute. Hes getting so big. I cant believe that he will 2 on Sunday.
Hes new saying is "where are you?" He will walk aroung while Jeremy is at work and say "Daddy where are you?" Its so cute it melts my hearts. He loves his Daddy.

So Sad

My friend Sarah passed away today. I am so sad but I know that she is in a much better place now. I am glad that I got to say good bye. I am so thankful for my moms group and the support that we are all giving each other through this. Sarah was an amazing person who touch a lot of different lives and all of us in the group are mourning the loss of her. My heart goes out to her family.
I am really at a loss for words. I have never had any one close to me die. I have never been to a funeral. I have not heard if there will be a funeral but if there is one I would like to go.
I hope the healing happens soon.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Today was a really hard day. I went and said good bye to my friend Sarah. She was in a car accident last weekend and has not woken up since. She had serious head trauma. It was so hard to see her in the ICU. She looked like she was sleeping. I told her what a wonderful person she was and that she touched so many lives. I know that God has a plan for her and all of us. Some times its so hard to understand why a mother at 22 years old with two very young children would be taken away from us. I dont think any one will ever know why. There are so many question that I have and so many "what ifs".
I am thankful for my moms group and the support from them. We are having a yard sale next weekend to raise money for Sarah family. We are all giving stuff to sell and we are all going to help out at the yard sale.
Words can not describe how I feel. I am thankful for my family and I am mourning the loss of a friend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sorry Mom

I was on the phone with my mom this afternoon. Levi was playing outside and I was in and out of the house. Levi and Sammy were over by the door that leads to the backyard. I heard a funny noise coming from that area and I could not tell what the nose was. Levi was laughing and Sammy was barking and I thought maybe Levi had one of Sammys balls and was squeeking it, but the sound was not quite right. So while I was still on the phone with my mom I go over there to see what that strange noise was. Sammy is in the door way and they door is wide open and Levi is looking behind the door laughing. I then think the two have the cat trapped back there and she screaming. So I slowing close the door and there is THE BIGGEST SQUIRREL (bigger than my cat) trapped beacuse Sammy is on one side and now Levi and I are on the other side. I start screaming bloody murer and I can hear my mom going "Alice, Alice are you ok?" She had no idea what was happing. The squirrel made a mad dash for the other side of the carport and I pulled Levi out of the way. I calm down enough to relized that I just really freaked my mom out. I start laughing and tell my mom what she just missed.
It really startled me beacuse all I saw when I moved that door was this wild animal coming after me and Levi.
I have to laugh now beacuse it was pretty funny. Sorry I freaked you out Mom.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sad Monday

Last night one of the moms in my moms group was in a serious car accident. We had a big snow storm this weekend and she was driving in the blizzard and lost control and hit the guard rail and than was T boned by a pick up truck. She had her two children in the car. She got the worst of it. She went in for brain surgery last night and when she came out the neurosurgeon was hopeful at her coming through. She broke a bone that connects the skull to the spine, she broke it in 2 places. That is really bad, the doctors are not sure yet what they are going to do about that. She is heavily sedated so that she doesn't move her neck at all. She still has all of the other problems also, they had to deal with the head trauma first though because it was the most life threatening. When she was coming out of surgery she moved her toes, the doctors were really excited about that it means she doesn't have a spinal cord injury. Right now she is listed as stable.

Its really got me upset today. I was not that close to her but I know her and her family. We all went camping together this summer. She just had a baby and her baby is at a completely different hospital with trauma of his own. They think that he will be ok and should go home tomorrow. Her other child is fine physically.

I cant believe that this happened to some one I know. I feel so helpless. I wish there was something that I could do. I have not been able to stop thinking about it all day. So I thought I would write about it and maybe I would feel better.

Its so scary how life can change in the blink of an eye. I just pray that her and her family will be alright. This just brings up a lot of old feelings from when my family was in our car accident 11 years ago. I know how scary it is to be at a different hospital than your mom and to have no idea what is going on. I also know that it will be a long road to recovery for Sarah. But shes young so I hope she heals quickly and she is lucky to be alive.

I thought writing about it would help but its not making me feel any better. I just I will look at the bright side. Everyone is alive.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Even More Pics

Enjoying the hot springs

Levis BDay Cake

Digging for Bones

Riding the Dianasour

Moms cooking in the hottest pool

Jeremy and Dad fishing

Amy with all the colors

Amy and Levi

Jeremy was leading the pack

Even more pictures. I do not know what happened but I uploaded the pictures from my card and not all of them got copied to the computer so I had to recopy them. So here are some of the pictures I took while my family was here. All the other pictures where the ones that my mom had taken.

More pictures

Here are some more pictures from this past weekend.

These are the hot springs. Each pool was a different temp.

Levi is wearing my dads sunglasses

This is the waterfall at the top of the spring. Amy and I stuck our heads out the hole. The water in the fall was freezing cold.

Levi misses having the faimly around. He woke up this moring and stuck his hands under the spare bedrooms door and was calling for grandma. It was so sad. I had to open the door and tell him that they had gone home.
I do think that Levi has gotten the California cold my dad brought with him. I hope that he gets over it soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Wow what a weekend. It was so nice to have my family here. I miss them already. Levi loved having them here. His new best friend is Amy. He learned to say her name the first day she was here and after that it was Amy this and Amy that. He would call her and follow her. She could not go to the bathroom with out him sticking his hands under the door. He would even go to her before me. It was so cute. He has been asking where Amy went ever since she left. Than when my parents left he asks wheres Amy, wheres Papa, wheres Mama. Hes is so sad tonight that they are gone.
We did so many things while they were here. We went to Cabelas. We went on a 5 mile hike to the hot springs. We got pedicures. We had a birthday party for Levi. Jeremy and I spent a night at the Anniversary Inn by ourselves while they watched Levi. Mama and Papa took Levi up to Logan. They also took him to Gardner Village. We made a beautiful stepping stone for my mom with Levis hand print in it that will go in her garden. Dad and Jeremy went fishing. We went to the Dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving point. Dad and Jeremy went to the Priesthood session of Conference. We watched the Sunday sessions of Confrence. Wow we did so much. It was not all in the order but we packed a lot in to the weekend.
I am really going to miss them and I hope that they come back soon.
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