Friday, August 22, 2008


We were suppose to close on our house today. Jeremy took half of the day off and we had a sitter set up for Levi but or broker called and said something about the computers being down so they were not able to get the closing documents prepared. So we were on pins and needles all day waiting for them to call and say they got the computers up and very thing was ready. At 4:45 we got a call saying that the computers were back up but it was to late in the day to do it today so we will try again tomorrow.
It was so ruff waiting all day and than not having it happen. It was like when I was pregnant and the hospital was not ready for me and they had me keep calling all day to see if they had a bed open.
Its been one stressful day. I hope everything goes smooth tomorrow. We cant go on like this for to much longer.

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