Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back Home

I am back home. It feels good to be home. I missed Jeremy and Sammy. I had a wonderful visit. Levi burnt the snot out of his fingers at my parents house. I am not sure what he burnt them on. We were playing out side and he walks up holding his hand weird and sits on my lap and I started to check his hand out and than noticed two huge blisters on his finger tips. He was not even crying until I noticed them and than he started whaling. He seems to be fine today but hes still got the blisters and they look sore. Hes got a bad cough that I am hoping will get better.
Jer took my car into the shop while I was gone and it should be done tomorrow. It was the CV joint. I am happy thats all it was. It does not even need new breaks. They will change the oil while its in there.
I am so tired and I am still on California time. I am happy that Rachel gave me the day off tomorrow because I need to rest and clean my house.
I will post pictures of my trip soon.

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