Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Highs and Lows for last Year

Spending thanksgiving with my family
Going to CA to visit me family
Levi starting preschool
Jeremy getting offered a management position
I did a 5k

Grandma Wonderful died

Friday, January 27, 2012

My View On Mainstream Music

I like some mainstream music. I think there is a lot of crappy music out there and there is a lot of really good stuff out there. If I turn on pandora on the top hits station I don't enjoy it. But if I put it on adult top hits than I like most of it. I think that really tells you that I am getting old.
Levi loves to sing along with lady gaga and stero hearts and others. I love it when Levi sings along with the radio. He really loves to sing and has quite the opinion of what we listen to in the car. One of his favorite songs right now is Moves like Jagger. We listen to it so much that even Kyle will try and sing to it.
I really love all kinds of music and love pandora radio cause what ever I am in the mood for I can find and listen too.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

15 interesting facts about me

In no particular order here are 15 interesting things about me
1) I am scared of planes. Not flying in them but when they fly over me especially really low flying ones. They freak me out cause I think they are going to drop bombs on me.
2) I bite my nails.
3) I was born with a serious heart problem that fixed its self by the power of God.
4) I won a sparing tournament in my teens.
5) I slept with a machete under my pillow until I was married.
6) I love being a stay at home mom and wouldn't trade it for a million dollars
7) I have an unhealthy amount of empathy for people, ALL people
8) I have a ring tattoo on my left ring finger
9) I will be 30 this year.
10) I am super super shy
11) I have a wiener dog named Sammy and two cats
12) I have had two surgeries to remove fatty tumors from my back.
13) I am scared to death of dead animals
14) I love the water. In a past life I am pretty sure I was a fish.
15) I can't eat spicy food.

Coming up with 15 things was way hard.

My Earliest Memory

I remember living in the Button Street house and playing out in the back yard. My sisters and I played this cowgirl game and sing this song, "saddle up my ponies cause I'm going to ride the range. Life was better when things were slower. I wish it would never chAnge"
It was so much fun to be a kid and not worry about things. Just be able to play pretend all summer. Those were the days.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some Place I would like to Visit

I would love to go to Hawaii. I have never been there and I would love to go there and see all the sights and swim in the ocean. I would like to take a helicopter ride and see the earth being formed. I would like to swim with the turtles and fish. I would like to lay on the beach and fall asleep to the waves.
It's the middle of winter here in Utah so I think that has something to do with me longing to be at the beach and warm.
The sad part is my sister lives in Hawaii and I still can't seem to get out there. Someday I will go there and it will be amazing.

My Day

7:00 am- Kyle demands I get out of bed. I stay in bed and let him watch tv in my bed
7:30am- Levi now wants me to get up cause he's hungry
8:00 -I get up, get the kids food
8:15- I strip their beds cause the sheets need to washed
8:20- change Kyle's diaper and dress both boys
8:30- Get dressed and warm up the car
8:50- Leave to take Levi to school
9:15- Pick up Rachel and kids and head to the gym
9:35- start kickboxing class
10:35- end kickboxing class
11:10- drive rachel to the bank
11:35- drop Rachel off at her house
12:00- Pick Levi up from school
12:15- get in the shower
12:30- have lunch
1:15- nap time
2:30-nap time is over and I didn't get to sleep
4:30- start dinner
5:15-eat dinner
7:00 bath time for the boys
7:30- jammies , story time,family prayed
8:30- kids in bed
9:300-I'm in bed

Monday, January 23, 2012

10 songs from my iPod on shuffle

If Everyone Cared--Nickelback

Need You Now-- Lady Antebellum

If I Fall Your Going Down With Me-- Dixie Chicks

Just The Way You Are--Bruno Mars

With Arms Wide Open--Creed

Going Under-- Evanescence

Headstrong--Linkin Park

Live Gets Me Every Time--Shawain Twain

California Girls--Beach Boys

Bad Romance--Lady Gaga

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Guilty Pleasure

House MD. I love that show. I have to watch it when the hubs and the kids are in bed and the house is quite and I will usually have a bowl of popcorn or ice cream to go along with it. I will laugh and cry right along with that show and not feel any guilt. It's total me time. I have a huge crush on Huge Lourie.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My dream job

If I could have any job in the world what would it be?

I would love to be a horse trainer. A really good one. I would love to be like a horse whisperer. I would be super thin and where really cute boots and a sexy hat and people would come from around the world for me to talk to their horses. I would be able to calm the wildest horses and help heal the abused one.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The time I felt the most satisfied with life

This is a hard one, not cause I am not satisfied with my life but I am I too satisfied and can't pin point one time.
I felt every satisfied after I had Kyle. We are not planning on having any more children so after I had kyle i knew that our family was complete. I look at my two wonderful children and my hubby and know that I am truly blessed. Sometimes I feel like I have the perfect life. Don't get me wrong my life is crazy and full of trials but there are moments when I will be over come with a huge feeling of pride and thankfulness for my wonderful family.
Like I said I can't pick one time cause I will be in a random place like driving or the shower and just know that I am one super lucky women.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My favorite childhood toys

I have two toys that come to mind from my childhood. The first one is Big Dollie. It's a big baby doll that I loved literally to pieces. I still have her she lives in a box in the shed now. I got her for Christmas when I was about two. I freaked out when I opened the present cause she was strapped down in the box and I wanted her out where she could breath. She lost all her eye lashes in the bath tub when she took a bath with me after I had smeared a whole stick of butter over her and the couch. She only has one eye now and I can't remember how she lost her eye. My mom had to put a second skin on here cause the first one fell apart. Like I said I loved that doll to pieces.

My other favorite toy was George. He is also a doll (can you tell I am all girl). George is a stuffed money doll. I still have George. He's in the same box as big Dollie. George I got at the flea market. I did not have enough money to buy George but I cried cause I wanted him so bad that the person who was selling him gave him to me any ways.
My sister had a cabbage patch doll named Tiger and George and Tiger were best friends. We would play games with George and Tiger for hours and days and George and Tiger were always with us.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Zodiac Sign

I am an Aries.
Here is a quote from Wickipida
. This sign gives extreme ideality, and those born under it are more ideal than practical. They are always full of new schemes and plans, ever exploring and originating. They are fond of constant change, loving novelty, romance and speculation and nearly always live in a world of theory. They are very highly strung, sometimes hyper-sensitive and are remarkable for their perception. They seem to live more in the perceptive region of their brain than the reflective, and they are rarely deceived where perception is concerned."

Here is the thing; I feel this fits me to a T. But I think that its just broad enough to fit everyone.

I think that zodiac signs are fun to learn about and fun to read. I like to watch the tv show about finding big foot but I do not believe there is a big foot out there. Same with the whole zodiac stuff. I like to read my horoscope and read about my sign but I take it all with a grain of sand.
Jeremy is a Cancer and Aries and cancers are not suppose to be compatible at all. I think they are wrong about that. Jeremy and I are super compatible cause he calms my fire spirt when I need it but can also fuel it if the time is right.

Friday, January 13, 2012

My favorite comfort food

Mirowave popcorn. Man I love that stuff. And it has to have lots of butter. None of this kettle corn junk. Give me a huge bowl of movie theater butter microwave popcorn and I am a happy women. I have always loved it. If I am having a bad day I will pop a bag as soon as the kids are asleep and in bed.
Having some on hand is a must cause I never know when I will NEED to have some.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My views on religion

I am Mormon. I was raised Mormon. Got baptized when I was 8. I love the church. I love it's family values. I currently hold the calling of 3rd Sunday relief society teacher.
I think it's important to believe in something.
Gramma Wonderful passed away last month and I believe in an afterlife and I know that I will get to see her again. It have me great comfort to know this. I am thankful and grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ because with out Him and his sacrifice I would not be able to be with my loved ones for the eternities.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top 5 Pet Peeves

5) Late people
4) Empty cans/bottles/container left in the fridge
3) The kids spinning my chair when I am sitting in it.
2) Leaving lights on when not in use
1) Leaving a cabinet door open

Where you like to be in 10 years.

In ten years I will be turning 40. Man that sounds old :) I would like to be in a bigger house and I would like to have a pat time job while the kids are in school.
I would be ok staying in our house now if we add on to it and make it more the house of my dreams. But we can't decide if we want to stay here or move so first have to make that decision cause if we plan to move than we are not going to put a lot of work into this house. But if we stay here I have big plans for this place.
I plan on getting a job when the kids are in school full time. Not sure what or where but I'll find something.

Your current relationship

I am happily married to the love of my life. We will celebrate our 7th anniversary on July 9th. It's been an adventure the last 7 years. We have had our ups and downs and all rounds. We have two amazing sons who fill our lives with love and happiness. I am so happy that Jeremy and I get to spend eternity together.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Just some random photo from last week
Kyle skipped and hit the corner of the toy box and gave himself a huge bruise.

Jeremy and I had a date night and went out to dinner.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Wow what a crazy December. Our dear sweet Gramma Wonderful had a massive stroke and died 5 days later. It was a really really ruff 5 days to watch her suffer, but I know now she is in a much better place and much happier. When ever Levi says the prayer in our house weather its the blessing on the food or the family prayer he always says "please keep Gramma Wonderful safe and happy in Heaven" it makes tears come to my eyes almost every time he says it.
One good thing about Gramma was that all the family was together. It was the first time in 10 years that we had everyone together. I am glad that all Jeremys siblings got to be here and I know it was really helpful for Dennis to have all his kids in this hard time.
Right after Gramma funeral was Christmas. We took the kids up to Idaho and spent Christmas with Jermemys mom. It was fun and relaxing up there.
We had a New Years Eve party at our house with some friends and a whole bunch of kids. We celebrated the new year with New York and than everyone went home and I fell asleep before midnight.
So December was a super super long busy crazy month.

Jeremy and Kyle at the funeral

Gramma Wonderful

Pall Bearers

All of the grandkids

All the kids

The only picture I have from Christmas

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